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Bibliografia del Parlamento

Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.

  • Soddu Francesco
    The Italian Parliament between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century : paths of research / Francesco Soddu
    In: Ricordo di Antonio Marongiu : giornata di studio, Roma, 16 giugno 2009 / a cura di Maria Sofia Corciulo. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2013. - p. 115-121. - (Studies presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions ; 92)

  • Soddu Francesco
    The "Commissioni di vigilanza" in the Nineteenth Century Italian Parliament
    In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche = Representative assemblies, territorial autonomies, political cultures. . - Sassari : Editrice democratica sarda, 2011. - p. 316-328

  • Venturini Fernando
    BPR: a bibliography of the Italian Parliament : the evolution from the book form to a digital library
    In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche = Representative assemblies, territorial autonomies, political cultures. . - Sassari : Editrice democratica sarda, 2011. - p. 183-190

  • Isoni Alessandro
    The Italian Senate as High Court of Justice : impeachment for breaches of ministerial liability
    In: Parlamentos : a lei, a prática e as representaçoes : da idade média à actualidade = Parliaments : the law, the practice and the representations : from the Middle Ages to the present day. . - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 2010. - p. 303-308

  • Soddu Francesco
    Magistrates in the Italian Parliament during the fascist era
    In: Parlamentos : a lei, a prática e as representaçoes : da idade média à actualidade = Parliaments : the law, the practice and the representations : from the Middle Ages to the present day. . - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 2010. - p. 329-334

  • Mastropaolo Alfio - Verzichelli Luca - Cotta Maurizio
    Parliamentary elite transformations along the discontinuous road of democratization : Italy 1861-1999
    In: Parliamentary representatives in Europe 1848-2000 : legislative recruitment and careers in eleven European countries / edited by Heinrich Best and Maurizio Cotta. - Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000. - p. 226-269

  • Di Napoli Mario
    Origins of the vote of confidence to the Cabinet in Italian parliamentary system (1848-1948)
    In: Contributions to European parliamentary history / edited by Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Mikel Urquijo. . - Bilbao : Juntas generales de Bizkaia, 1999. - p. 765-778

  • Di Napoli Mario
    The Italian Chamber of Fasci and Corporazioni : a substitute for Parliament in a totalitarian regime / Mario Di Napoli
    In: Repräsentation in Föderalismus und Korporativismus / Wilhelm Braunede, Elisabeth Berger (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 1998. - p. 253-265

  • Cammarano Fulvio
    The professions in Parliament
    In: Society and the professions in Italy : 1860-1914 / a cura di Maria Malatesta. - Cambridge : University press, 1995. - p. 276-312

  • Gerlich Peter
    Mosca and the parliamentarism
    In: Gaetano Mosca, scienza politica e regime rappresentativo nell'età contemporanea / a cura di Carlo Mongardini. . - Roma : Bulzoni, 1995. - p. 413-418

  • Ullrich Hartmut
    Historiography, sources and methods for the study of electoral laws in Italy
    In: Political strategies and electoral reforms : origins of voting in Europe in the 19. and 20. centuries / a cura di Serge Noiret. . - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 1990. - p. 297-334

  • Mastropaolo Alfio
    Electoral processes, political behaviour, and social forces in Italy from the rise of the left to the fall of Giolitti 1876-1913
    In: Wahlerbewegung in der Europaischen Geschichte, Ergebnisse einer Konferenz / a cura di Otto Busch. . - Berlino : Colloquium Verlag, 1980. - p. 97-124

  • Olivetti Angelo Oliviero
    The Reform of Parliament and the question of national representation
    In: A survey of Fascism : the year book of the international Centre of fascist studies. . - London : Benn, 1928. - p. 98-135
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